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9 Tips on What May be Draining Your and Your Home's Energy According to Feng Shui

9 Feng Shui Tips on What May be Draining Your and Your Home's Energy

Almost 4000 years ago, The Chinese stopped to think and analyze what would be the exact elements that could guarantee the good mood of a place, bringing balance, happiness, and well-being to its inhabitants and employees. They realized that different environments had a direct influence on happiness, joy, and even on people's luck. They then created a method that they named FENG SHUI.

There is an energy that the Chinese call CHI or Vital Energy. This energy lives in everything and affects how we feel in certain locations. Chi is created wherever there is beauty, organization, or whenever something is done with love and perfection. The perfect place to live or work is where there is a balanced abundance of CHI. In Feng Shui, the goal is to improve the flow of Chi by making adjustments to spaces.

When we enter a house or any other commercial environment, service establishment, hotel, or hospital, the first impression reveals a series of information. At a glance, we can assess whether the place is clear and bright, whether the furniture is harmoniously arranged, whether cleanliness and organization are part of the habit of residents and employees, and whether or not it is a pleasant place. Smells and scents, happy or sad tones, agitation or calm translate for us what we call the mood of the place. How good it is to enter or live in a place with an abundance of Chi. And when Chi is stagnant, it can create problems in your career, relationships, health, and financial life. Anyway, according to Feng Shui, some things can steal good energy away from the environment and leave negative vibrations. What is your location saying about your life?

If your place is messy, dirty, disorganized, crammed, or dark there are great chances that you are tired, frustrated, discouraged, moody, and with no perspective in some areas of your life. This is a Feng Shui reading. However, even in an apparently clean, beautiful, and organized place, there may still be things that could be draining the life out of the people who use that space. Your home and your workplace are the living picture of everything that is happening in your life. And when we are out of harmony with the environment in which we live, we become physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually ill.

Here are 9 things that could be attracting negative energy to your place and life:

  1. Sometimes, our home, office, or company has an energy that makes us feel tired, sad, unwilling, and discouraged, and we cannot understand why. The energy of the neighborhood, the land, and the property you occupy may have been influenced by what happened before you used the space. We call this energy "wall memory". This memory may have originated for several reasons: death at the site, something buried, telluric energies, and negative emotions experienced there, such as trauma, depression, arguments, envy, anger, etc. There may have been illness, addiction or negative energy habits, “contaminated” objects or residual energy from previous users. In short, these things can cause negative energy to circulate in your place. Do an Energy Cleanse to help clear any negative energy. In addition to making your space more enjoyable, it will bring about a positive and confident mindset.

  2. The entrance to a location must reflect the abundance you want to manifest there. The gateway is called the “Mouth of Chi”, therefore, it is super important for prosperity and new opportunities. Observe if the entrance to your home or business has clutter, coats, shoes, toys, piles of magazines, and dirt. Or if it is dark or sad, if the door is difficult to open, if there are cracked mirrors, dry, withered, or dead plants. Or even if there are crooked pictures, images that bring sadness or are confusing, because all of this can bolck your abundance.

  3. Evaluate photos and objects of people who have passed away or of difficult times in the past that may bring you sadness or longing even if you don't always look, but when you do, they move you. Also, see photos, gifts, and objects from previous relationships or people who have already left your life. Analyze and see the feeling these things can bring you, and if you feel sadness, or any other negative feeling, get rid of them.

  4. Natural plants and flowers enrich any environment and bring a sense of well-being as long as they are healthy and beautiful. Here you will find a list of recommended plants for our spaces because they bring better quality to the air inside the premises. Dying plants, withered flowers, dry leaves or appearing to be dying do not attract positive energies. On the contrary, they bring stagnation to the environment. If you have a child or a pet, first research which plants are safe. Do not have, for example, amaryllis, aloe vera, chrysanthemums, dieffenbachia, orjade, among others, because they are toxic.

  5. Avoid keeping broken objects as they drain energy and bring stagnation, preventing the positive flow of Chi. We often keep some broken objects because they have sentimental value. If there is something in your house that needs fixing, do it quickly, because your subconscious mind keeps remembering, and every time you enter the place where that object is, your energy drops! Repair, throw away, or recycle.

  6. The Water Element represents emotions, feelings, and money. Thus, if there are “infiltrations or leaks” in any plumbing, they may be related to financial difficulties, emotions and confused feelings, and may generate emotional instability. Clogged plumbing can be a sign that your emotions are blocked and contained. Leaks and clogged pipes harm health and affect Prosperity. A dripping faucet can symbolize a constant drain on your emotions and money. When this happens, the money is also “dripping and leaking” out of the pocket, the bank account, without the person realizing it. Of course, sometimes it can just mean the need to replace the rubber washer, but usually, there is a correlation between plumbing and the emotional state of a user of the place.

  7. The electrical wiring of the house represents your life force or your personal energy field and it is related to emotions. If circuits are overloaded, think about whether you need to slow down the pace. Maybe you are working and worrying too much. If light bulbs are burning out too much, maybe you are giving out too much energy and not getting enough. You should fix these problems quickly!

  8. In addition to bringing dirt and germs on their soles, shoes bring energy from the places we walk through. Ideally, we take off our shoes before entering our homes. Place a shelf, a small piece of furniture near the entrance door, or a red carpet, and leave some comfortable slippers or flip-flops for you to change before entering your home. Clean the soles of your shoes with alcohol before putting them back inside, and never store them behind the door or under the bed.

  9. Windows represent the eyes in Feng Shui and communicate our inner world with the outer world. Clean and open your windows, fix windows that do not work well or have broken glass, and let light and fresh air in so that you have clarity in your decisions and open your life to new opportunities.

Carefully analyze your home or business environment and list what you have observed that may be draining your energy, as well as that of the place.

Organization and cleanliness give balance and harmony to human beings and have a great positive effect on life. When you organize your home, you also organize your life because your space is your reflection. By changing the energy of the place, you change your own energy.

Clearing clutter has a therapeutic effect: as you put things in order on the outside, a corresponding change takes place on the inside. What is outside is always inside, and vice versa.

Everything in your outer life, especially your home environment, reflects your inner SELF. Conversely, everything in your home or workplace influences you, from the smallest of decorations to the architectural structure.

Feng Shui aims to harmonize the energy of your space to make it more pleasant, generating good for the lives of those who use the place.

9 Feng Shui Tips on What May be Draining Your and Your Home's Energy