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9 Tips for your Dining Room According to Feng Shui

The dining room represents the union of family and friends, health, well-being, and prosperity. Therefore, it is an important location according to Feng Shui. Let's get to the tips:

  1. It is very common to use the dining room only on special occasions, but this can cause stagnant energy in that location. Use your dining table, even if you eat alone, or use it to have some tea, the important thing is to keep the Chi circulating. Do this at least once a week.

  2. The shape of the table is associated with the 5 Elements of Nature. A round table is the ideal shape, it represents the Metal Element and this shape creates equality among the people who sit there. A square table activates the Earth Element, which brings stability. The rectangular table activates the Wood Element, which represents growth and expansion. Avoid a glass top. Choose a solid wooden top.

  3. The chairs should have comfortable, high, firm, supportive backs and should be positioned so that getting in and out is easy. Both the table and the chairs must be firm and stable. Have an even number of chairs. If you are going to receive family and friends, always have more chairs than the number of people at the table even if you don't use them, because this way you signal that you are always prepared to receive more people in your home.

  4. Do not lean the table against a wall. It's like you're not ready to have any guests, it's not inviting.

  5. If your dining table is placed between two doors, or between a door and a window, the Chi does not flow smoothly. If there is no way you can reposition the table, hang a wind chime or a 40mm multi-faceted crystal over the table for the Chi to flow there.

  6. A large mirror is always welcome so that it can reflect the table. In the center, have a fruit bowl or fresh flowers. The function of the mirror is to duplicate the prosperity of a bountiful table and the union among the people.

  7. Choose an elegant chandelier, and never let leave burned out light bulbs. A beautiful chandelier creates a pleasant atmosphere and brings auspicious Chi.

  8. As for the colors: First, you must choose the color you like best so that you can bring good energy into the space. In Feng Shui, we can use colors according to the Bagua area or to the intention of what you want for the place. Earthy colors bring coziness and stability. Green brings the energy of wood, spring, and new beginnings. Blue and teal also bring the energy of wood and growth. Red and orange are associated with fire, and although they are appetite-stimulating colors, they should be used in moderation. Whites and grays are associated with metal, they bring focus and create a sterile environment, so they are not the most suitable colors in a dining room environment. If you use white or off-white on the walls, which are neutral colors, it is advisable to use other colors in the decor to bring life to the environment.

  9. Command position: In Feng Shui, it represents being protected, in control of life and being able to see the opportunities that present themselves. When in the control position, we are more comfortable and have more focus and confidence.

If, by any chance, you do not have a dining table, look for a place to have your meals. Even if it is for just one meal a day, prepare this corner with care for yourself, as if you were receiving a visitor, because you deserve it!