Massaru Emoto
Mr. Emoto's work is old, but it is always worth remembering and practicing what he researched.
I received a genuine tip from a dear friend and Feng Shui teacher, Carlos Solano, and I want to pass it along to you:
“Make an embroidered towel to use on top of a tray, or you can write with a pen on a small tray, it doesn’t matter what (use your creativity), but write positive words, such as GRATITUDE, LOVE, HEALTH, VITALITY, SUCCESS, SELF-ESTEEM, JOY. On top of these words, put a glass or crystal jar with mineral water where you can drink from throughout the day.”
The power of words and sounds in water have already been proved by Mr. Emoto. So, let's use this tip!
Big hug, lots of joy and DIVINE LIGHT in your lives!
– by Fátima Valente Monaco